Monday, August 1, 2011


Recently, I've been thinking about religion a lot. Not necessarily my beliefs, but the foundation of belief, and of the arguments over religion. It occurred to me, that those that believe in some form of religion, are a wide-ranging group of individuals, with varying social, political, and economic views. The same naturally applies to the atheists among us. Despite the commonality of vast variations among individuals of each party, many atheists continue to attack the faith of various religious groups; and many religious groups attack the faith (or lack thereof) of atheists. Just as with other things in life, people fight over something as personal (and private) as personal faith. So what was my conclusion? Humans are innately afraid of that they do not understand. The faithful are idealists, naturally more optimistic, openly accepting the chance for salvation or improvement through various religious systems. The atheists are realists, tending to slight on the pessimistic side, refusing to believe in an intelligent creator. Of course, many exist in the grey area, as agnostics, and many haven't really decided what they believe yet. I hope I've encouraged some thought, and hopefully, we can all work on being more accepting of fellow man.

PS: I use man in the generic term for the species, sexism gets an S for stupid.

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