Saturday, February 18, 2012

Mac OSX Mountain Lion and Windows 8

Sorry if anyone (of the few people that read this) is annoyed by a third post today, but I figured I'd comment on the newly announced version of Apple Inc.'s popular Mac OSX.
In line with the big cats tradition, Apple announced Mountain Lion recently. I'm not a Mac user, but I'm an Apple fan, and that may continue, even as I shop for a new computer.
More observant, or interested, individuals will notice the features list for Mountain Lion, which seems to be a fairly good idea. One thing, however, has me worried. It's that "Inspired by iPad." line. Now, I'm no hater of tablets, but this trend of tablet-inspired operating systems is alarming many desktop users. For those unfamiliar, I'm referring to Windows 8, which uses the Metro UI introduced by Windows Phone 7. Lance Whitney, a blogger for CNET reports on both the complaints and Microsoft's response.
Now, I'm not complaining about this new trend, but a user interface designed for tablets doesn't seem naturally at home when you're using a mouse and keyboard. That being said, given the tendency of Apple to release new operating systems around "back to school" time, I may very well decide to stick to Windows, unlike many college students. Don't get me wrong, I'm still an Apple fan, and the high-end Macs are easily some of the best bang for your buck (unless you're a real man and build your own computer), but I had a hard enough of a time adapting to the Aero UI present in Windows Vista and 7, so Metro will probably take me a while to become acquainted with, and making an OS leap in the middle of a big UI shift is probably not going to sit well with my Windows XP loving self.

Maybe some of you already previewing Windows 8 or some of the Mountain Lion software could chip in your opinions for me?

Music to my Ears: Part One

So I figure I'll share the music I'm listening to, and talk about it a bit.
To start off, Young the Giant. They're a fairly new band, and the star of most of their performances is definitely their lead vocalist, but their drumming and guitar play are superb. This song, Apartment, is my favorite, but I'm a fan of all of their music, and recommend their self-titled album to fans of fairly eclectic bands with a definite oldies feel to a few of their songs. Enjoy~

After High School

So, like many of you, I am now rapidly approaching the end of my high school career. Naturally, this evokes a number of emotions, and I'm sometimes struck by nostalgia, but for the most part I'm looking forward. I don't know about most teenagers, but I certainly have high hopes for myself. I do realize that I'm being irrationally optimistic, but I like to aim high, so even in my disappointment may I realize some amount of fortune.

So I'd like to know what your plans are/were for your post-high school life!

What are your post-high school plans? free polls 

Admittedly, I could not recall the proper HTML tags to create a poll and I had to use a website to generate one for me.