Saturday, February 18, 2012

After High School

So, like many of you, I am now rapidly approaching the end of my high school career. Naturally, this evokes a number of emotions, and I'm sometimes struck by nostalgia, but for the most part I'm looking forward. I don't know about most teenagers, but I certainly have high hopes for myself. I do realize that I'm being irrationally optimistic, but I like to aim high, so even in my disappointment may I realize some amount of fortune.

So I'd like to know what your plans are/were for your post-high school life!

What are your post-high school plans? free polls 

Admittedly, I could not recall the proper HTML tags to create a poll and I had to use a website to generate one for me.


  1. I intend to become a beach comb or some other such lovely, thriving entrepreneur.

    No, but seriously, I don't know yet.

  2. Man, if you did that you would be my hero.
