Tuesday, September 27, 2011


So, I'm a high school student. I attend a place known as "Valencia High School". Some of you may be familiar with a teacher known as "Mr. King". Chances are you don't like him, he teaches graphic design. He likes to talk about history. Unfortunately he thinks the Romans were controlled by the Church and wrote the Bible. Some of you will note that this is incredibly false. So my problem with this man is that he's terrible at teaching. Sure he can teach his students the basics of PhotoShop and Illustrator (and supposedly InDesign and Flash as well; this remains to be seen), but it takes him as long to teach us how to draw very simple things, as it would take a tutorial to teach you ALL of the basic tools. Furthermore, some of you who have had him may have noticed a quartet of Apple iMac computers sitting in the back. You may have noticed the piles of random crap that surround these computers. You may have noticed dust motes. These computers cost collectively about as much as half of the rest of the computers. They're also equipped with drawing tablets to boot. What's so bad about that? Nothing. Unless you count: constantly complaining that the school doesn't provide adequate functional materials for him to properly educate his students. Some of you may disagree, most of you (who know the man) probably won't, either way, I can't believe they're letting a businessman teach a computer class.